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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  November 15, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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>> i wonder who will win. >> tune in tomorrow at 11:30. >> going to be a nail-biter. >> they have the best teeth. they have the greatest presidential teeth. >> the next president should have knocked out grill. >> no george washington. >> george washington had wooden teeth. "special report" is up next. crashed planes, unraveling sweaters, the president faces some tough metaphors over obama care. this is "special report." good evening. i'm chris wallace in for bret baier. a day after president obama presented his fix for the millions of canceled health insurance policies the house passed a fix of its own with bipartisan support. it's not clear what the eventual solution will be, but like a growing number of people insurance companies aren't happy. we have fox team coverage. james rosen investigates whether the president's fix is even constitutional.
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the impact on insurance companies, wendell golar on the white house strategy. we begin with chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel on capitol hill where there was lots of action today. good evening, mike. >> reporter: chris, good evening. despite a veto threat, republicans and a few dozen democrats passed a bill to honor a promise they say president obama did not keep. >> the bill is passed. >> reporter: by a 261-157 vote including 39 democrats supporting it, the house passed energy and commerce chairman fred upton's keep your health care act. >> our straightforward one-page bill says if you like your current coverage, you should be able to keep it. the president should heed his own advice and work with us, the congress, as the founders intended, not around the legislative process. >> reporter: in july only 22 democrats voted to delay the individual mandate. and 35 supported delaying the employer mandate. this time democratic leadership hoping to stop members from voting for the upton measure
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made several attempts at trying to defeat the bill. they expressed concern this was another attempt by the gop to kill obama care. >> this is a shell bill. in the end just let me say my friends should have some credibility. you introduce the 102 bills, you never put one of them on the floor for a vote. so don't pretend that you care about the american people's health care here. you're just trying to repeal the affordable care act. democrats are not going to let you do that. >> reporter: it's been a tense week for many democrats on capitol hill who voted to pass obama care. and many times since then to protect the law. they appealed to white house officials to do something to appease angry constituents who are upset about being canceled by their insurance companies. the president offered a controversial administrative fix thursday. and house democratic leader nancy pelosi said the focus should be on strengthening and not pulling apart the law. >> there's a discussion going on, but there's a values decision that has been made in favor of the american people. that if we have to thread a
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needle to get a result, let's do that. but let's not unravel the whole sweater. >> reporter: yet gop leaders argue this is just the beginning of trouble with the president's health care plan for the american people. >> we will continue to see the shock waves of obama care. today, it is the fact that americans cannot keep their coverage. tomorrow, it will be the staggering and unexpected cost. >> reporter: in the senate pressure is mounting on majority leader harry reed. several leaders said they were not happy with the president's fix. but reid hasn't tipped his hand. chris. >> mike emanuel on capitol hill. thanks for that. blamed for canceled policies falls squarely on president obama who's been having arguably the roughest patch of his time in office. white house correspondent wendell goaler looks at yet another tough week. >> reporter: a day after asking the insurance industry to rescue his promise if you like your policy you can keep it,
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president obama met with ceos at the white house. >> what we're going to be doing is brainstorming on how do we make sure that everybody understands what their options are because of choice and competition and a whole lot of americans who always seem health insurance out of risk -- or out of reach are going to be in a position to purchase it. >> reporter: since he can't force the insurance companies to re-issue the policies, aides said mr. obama would encourage them to offer renewals. >> the focus is to provide a choice. it's not to compel people to renew or to compel people to, you know, choose any particular plan within the marketplace. >> reporter: polls suggest the failed promise and the problems of the website have shaken public trust in government generally and mr. obama in particular. in detroit where she visited a community center and health clinic, hhs secretary kathleen sebelius seemed to blame contractors for the launch of a website that was not ready for
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primetime. >> i think the contractors gave us the green light and said as recently as the end of september when not only they were talking to us but talking to congress we are ready to go. >> reporter: but internal memos show project manager henry chow was having serious reservations back in july writing "i just need to feel more confident they're not going to crash the plane at take-off." the plane did crash. and thursday mr. obama seemed to take responsibility for it. >> there have been times where i thought we were kind of slapped around a little bit unjustly. this one's deserved. right. it's on us. >> reporter: several state insurance commissioners have rejected the president's renewal proposal. and an insurance industry group is warning it could raise premiums, but some experts feel some insurance companies will grant the president's wish. >> they are in the business to make money on policies. and if the policies that they were selling that they've had to discontinue, if those policies are probable, i'm betting they will re-issue them.
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>> reporter: even though he opposed the house bill, the president is not opposed to a legislative fix. the two parties are so far apart on what to fix and what's intended to undo obama care that an agreement is a long shot. chris. >> wendell, thanks. it's the insurance companies who will need to scramble to uncancel policies that were scrapped for failing to meet obama care standards. chief national correspondent jim angle examines whether that's possible. >> reporter: in hopes of avoiding a democratic revolt, president obama made an 11th hour effort to work his way out of a political corner by saying the insurance community should uncancel millions of canceled policies. >> so state insurance commissioners still have the power to decide what plans can and can't be sold in their states, but the bottom line is insurers can extend current plans that would otherwise be canceled into 2014. >> reporter: essentially delaying yet another part of the law. >> you know, it's interesting
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this administration has spent three years on launching and six weeks into it it's still a mess. and they're now telling the insurance industry they have 31 days to turn this cancellation mess around. well, the president said he fumbled the football, which he did. but he's also moved the goal posts and changed the rules of the game. it is not easy to put the genie back in the bottle. >> reporter: the president did not consult with the state insurance commissioners before making his proposal. and they're extremely doubtful they can resurrect canceled policies at least before january 1st. >> i don't think so. it would be a huge undertaking undoing that putting the tooth paste back in the tube if you will would be a very, very difficult thing to do. >> reporter: insurance companies are governed by state insurance commissioners, not the federal government. so the president's proposing something he cannot control. and many commissioners are more than a little skeptical. >> the federal government very often exhibits misguided even if
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well-intended programs that do not play out well on the state level. >> reporter: the commissioner in washington state went even further flatly rejecting the idea saying "i do not believe his proposal is a good deal for the state of washington. we are staying the course. we will not be allowing insurance companies to extend their policies." and if the insurers do write new policies and get them approved, it still has yet another step to go through. >> they have to send every policyholder a letter. and they have to specifically explain the differences between their current policy and the new obama care policies. >> reporter: but forcing people to sign up for obama care might be even worse. >> obama care cannot handle this volume of people. there's no way that many people are going to get signed up by january 1. so the pressure will build on the insurance industry and on the state regulators to allow this to happen. >> but that could take weeks if not months. so the president has taken a
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problem of his own creation that he couldn't solve and is now handing it to others. but many believe he waited too long to call for help. chris. >> jim, thank you. one of the questions folks are asking is what gives president obama or any president the authority to decide on his own which parts of the law congress has passed that he will enforce. here's chief washington correspondent james rosen on whether the fix president obama has proposed is legal. >> the secretary's authority can be used in narrow circumstances to ease implementation short of legislative changes. and this is one of those instances. >> reporter: beyond that neither the white house nor president obama in his hour-long appearance on thursday has cited any specific statute as the legal basis for his proposed fixes to obama care. that dreary business was instead relegated to an 800 word fact sheet the white house issued which only cited as jay carney
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did the inherent authority of hss secretary kathleen sebelius and added of transition policy in assessing whether to extend it. questioning the constitutionality of it all. >> i'm highly skeptical that they can do this administrativ administratively. i just don't see within the law their ability to do that. >> i wonder if he has the legal authority to do this since this is a true congressional bill. >> reporter: this past summer when the mandate provision his aide cited the authority again without invoking some power to provide "transitional relief" to selected citizens during the early stages of a law implementation. the fact is the original obama care law, the affordable care act signed into law march 2010 provided for people to be able to keep the plans they had as of that date. it was a rule issued quietly by
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secretary sebelius 30 days later that changed the ground rules for which plans could be grandfathered in. that little noticed rule finalized in november 2010 was what the president in his announcement on thursday went back on. and technically with every right to do so since it was an executive branch rule. the argument that oklahoma's attorney general, a republican, made on power play on friday. >> it was his secretary that created the problems that we have today. she through rule secretary sebelius through her rule did not comply with the statute. >> reporter: elsewhere hhs has cited the 1995 supreme court decision for the president's actions yesterday. but that case was about the powers and the discretion of the food and drug administration to block the use of certain drugs in lethal injections where state inmates were being put to death. it's hardly an exact or for the administration altogether welcome parallel and all seems destined for further litigation, chris. >> james, thank you. we now have some breaking news of a major fire at a strip mall in chicago.
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so let's bring in shepard smith at the fox news deck in new york. shep. >> chris, thanks. the three-alarmer on the far north side of chicago, this is the strip mall and moments ago it was just going to beat 31 west on the far north side. i can show you what it is that's burning over here. they're trying to keep this apartment building from becoming part of it started in this mattress warehouse or furniture store next door. the nails place is burning as is all of this. and back in the background here is that apartment building that they're hoping to keep this from. as i mentioned it was a three-alarmer and they have been tackling for the last 30 minutes or so. if anything gets worse, we'll let you know. we don't believe there are any injuries. chris, back to you. >> shep, thank you. up next, we ride along with american aid to the philippines. but first, here's what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. ksaz in phoenix reports a judge has banned video from inside the courtroom for a convicted murderer jodi arias' sentencing retrial. her original trial was watched
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live on tv by millions. wsvn in miami is covering dolphins linebacker jonathan martin who met with the nfl lawyer investigating the team's bullying scandal. and this is a live look at san francisco from fox affiliate ktvu. the big story there tonight should strike fear into the hearts of evil doers. the make a wish foundation made 5-year-old miles batkid for a day. the little boy has battled leukemia most of his life but is now in remission. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪
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$10 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of anyone involved with the benghazi terror attack in 2012. the department says the rewards were not publicized on its rewards for justice website like normal because of security issues around the investigation. and breaking tonight, chief intelligence correspondent kathrine herrage has obtained the nondisclosure agreement cia personnel signed in the aftermath of the benghazi attacks. good evening. >> good evening, chris. fox news has learned five cia personnel including government contractors were asked to sign a second nondisclosure agreement after the benghazi terrorist attack. and while the three-page document obtained by fox news does not contain specific references to the 2012 assault in benghazi, cia personnel testified this week in the classified session the request was odd and seemed unusual because their original ndas were still in effect. and only a minority were undergoing contract modifications that might have
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required a new nda. the five cia employees said they did not feel pressured to sign but it did appear to be a remiepder from the agency leadership they should not be diskuzing their time in benghazi under any circumstances. the house intelligence committee is trying to determine who are the agency or within the administration made the call and why the cia personnel in benghazi were apparently the only ones who were asked to sign this second nda. chris. >> we'll stay on top of it. thank you. >> you're welcome ncht the death toll in the typhoon-battered philippines now stands at 4,000. but not only is help on the way, correspondent william got an upclose look at some people trying to bring a little hope to those who are suffering. >> reporter: the u.s.s. george washington is an iconic symbol of american power. yet tonight in villages across the philippines the aircraft carrier is a sign of hope delivering two things many typhoon victims don't have, food and clean water. >> yesterday we hit about 20 sites people had not had any
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contact before. probably double that in the next couple days. >> reporter: fox news got a first look at the carrier's humanitarian mission. our helicopter circled a small town on sumar island. many houses had no roofs and others were destroyed. the moment our chopper landed residents formed a human chain unloading more than 150 boxes of supplies in a matter of minutes. >> there are a lot of small villages along these coasts. luckily because of the ships we can access most of them. >> reporter: access is also a problem in tacloban, but some help is finally reaching victims. doctors from malaysia deliver a truckload of medical supplies to the regional hospital. without medicine or power, dr. delong is worried some of his 270 patients won't make it. >> we need a big generator. >> reporter: outside conditions are worse, contaminated water is a breeding ground for cholera and hepatitis. neighborhoods are little more than piles of debris. >> this is the worst ever i've seen in my life. and i think they need a lot of
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help. >> reporter: amid the rubble the smell of death. >> dead bodies are brought to the curb. they're put in body bags and then picked up by garbage trucks. >> reporter: mile after mile bodies line the streets. the dead are stacked high. a trash truck, their hearse. typhoon haiyan destroyed more than property here. for some it also took their dignity. another issue some criticize local officials for allowing in commercial carriers who are taking up precious runway space and preventing disaster relief from getting in. and at least one of those carriers is also charging and turning away typhoon victims who cannot afford the ticket. that's angering some relief groups. in tacloban, fox news. are we seeing a turning point in relations between president obama and the mainstream media? first, heavy super pac spending. it's not just for conservatives anymore. (vo) you are a business pro.
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stocks ended the week on a high note posting the longest weekly win streak in nine months. the dow gained 85. the s&p 500 added 17. nasdaq pulled 13 ahead. for the week all three major indexes were up over 1%. in the aftermath of the citizens united ruling, liberals painted conservative super pacs as boogeymen. now their side has super pacs of their own and suddenly not so scary. carl cameron has more. >> reporter: anticipating governor chris christie of new jersey's election, spent a record $35 million just to make sure democrats maintained
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control in the legislature. another sign that the left has caught up to the right when it comes to super pac and special interest money. in virginia's race for governor, a huge factor in democrat terry's win the next gen billionaire that pounded cuccinelli on campaign. long-time environmental activist and former delegate to the democratic national convention tom stier spent a whopping $8 million in just three months in virginia topping every other individual donor and becoming a democratic hero. when super pacs emerged after the supreme court's citizens united case, the right got a head start at advantage with groups like americans for prosperity funded by the conservative billionaire coke brothers. now democrats help powerful super pac bosses targeting more and more races. >> they are not going to see the big money battle this cycle. it's very clear that they're going to try to take the upper hand in outside spending in
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2014. >> reporter: during last year's presidential race super pacs and outside groups spent at least $209 million in other states. the left outspent the right in big money dollars and big labor ponied up $44 million. in wisconsin democratic leading super pacs and unions spent more than $30 million in an unsuccessful attempt to oust governor scott walker. most came despite decline are trying to bulk up. >> turned out their demise was much exaggerated. they're very motivated at the moment, especially in states. >> reporter: not always but more often than not the campaign that spends the most money wins in american politics. democrats have complained about it bitterly for years, but now that their disadvantage appears to be gone, so are most of their complaints. chris. >> carl, thank you. toronto city council has voted overwhelmingly to strip mayor rob ford of some of his powers. the goal is to prevent ford who has admitted to smoking crack and buying illegal drugs from
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firing members of the city council who speak out against it. ford vowed to fight the measure in court. more allegations of sexually improper behavior involving the secret service, "the washington post" reports whistleblowers told a senate committee agents and managers engaged in the behavior cross a span of 17 countries in recent years. last year the secret service was caught in a prostitution scandal in colombia. and earlier this week at least one member was cut from president obama's security detail for explicit e-mails. we reached out to the secret service for comment, but have not heard back yet. well, one paper's scathing review of the gettysburg address. and many countries rush to aid the philippines, but there's a big run you think may have dug a bit deeper. the grapevine is next. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications,
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and now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine. as we told you earlier there's been an outpouring of international aid to the philippines. the u.s. has promised $20 million and other countries have also been generous. but china, the world's second largest economy, not so much. they've pledged less than $2 million. china is even outmaxed by the furniture chain ikea and it's $2.7 million donation. as you may know, the state department pr vieds a list of countries with unsafe conditions warning american travelers to be careful or just to stay away.
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well, "the washington post" reports those warnings go both ways. french travelers will warned about specific areas in 14 u.s. cities. their list includes parts of capitol hill here in washington and popular attractions in new york such as times square and the statue of liberty. finally, with the 150th anniversary of president lincoln's gettysburg address in a few days, one is clearing its conscience. one paper said, "we pass over the silly remarks of the president for the credit of the nation we are willing that the veil of oblivion should be dropped over and no where are repeated or thought of. well, thursday, 150 years later the harrisburg patriot news issued a retraction saying the paper regrets its civil war misjudgment. the mainstream media have been hammering the white house for the obama care rollout. fox news media analyst howard
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kurts looked at how the relationship between this president and the press has gone sour. good evening, howie. >> reporter: good evening, chris. it's no secret that the coverage of the botched obama care rollout has turned increasingly negative. now the mainstream media are delivering a broader indictment of the policy, the president and his personal qualities. this morning "new york times" is comparing the obama care fiasco to george w. bush's mishandling of katrina. on a front page "the washington post" headline says decline in trust threatens agenda. with one poll showing a majority no longer view president obama as honest, news organizations are increasingly focusing on the president's credibility, which he admits he has to earn back. >> this clearly is the low of his presidency politically right now. and i think the way i mean we obviously see in the polls but just the way probably he feels as his ability to lead the party. >> reporter: some liberal
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commentators say obama care, the crown jewel of activist government may be beyond saving. >> it's been so tarnished that i don't know how you put the genie back in the bottle. >> i think a lot of journalists and thinkers on the left are feeling that they were lied to, that this administration knew that this was not going to be the case. >> reporter: even one of obama's chief defenders is reduced to saying he's being buried prematurely. >> we can admit that they have some real deep fundamental problems as president, but i think we've thrown the dirt in too soon. >> reporter: yesterday when president obama announced his plan aimed at restoring health insurance to the millions who have lost it, reporters pulled no punches. >> dhe flawed health care rollout has led to a breach in the public trust in government? >> you said after the law was implemented or signed you could keep, americans believed you, sir, when you said that to them over and over. do you not believe, sir, the american people deserve a deeper
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more transparent accountability from you as to why you said that over and over? >> reporter: but a far cry from 2009 when a "new york times" reporter asked obama what most enchanted him about his job. >> about serving in this office humbled you the most. >> reporter: inside the white house the media is overstated but president obama had to demonstrate he was engaged and recognizes this was a big league fumble. but on this issue for now the president has few friends left in the press. chris. >> howie, thank you. and don't forget to tune into media buzz at 11:00 a.m. eastern and 5:00 p.m. eastern on sunday. please join us tonight in our panel segment if you have not yet participated in our sr bing pulse. take a moment to go to our home page, and watch the simple instructions. you can provide and monitor realtime feedback to what the panelists are saying. you can also access the pulse on your smartphone or tablet by going to
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working on a fix for obama care, we'll cover it from every angle with the fox panel when we come right back. [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box.
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our straightforward one-page bill says if you like your current coverage, you should be able to keep it. the president should heed his own advice and work with us, the congress, as the founders intended, not around the legislative process. >> this bill is offered by people who according to their own rhetoric want to repeal the affordable care act. that's a fair position. but now they're trying to do so with a trojan horse they call the upton bill. >> a taste of the debate today as the house passed congressman fred upton's bill with 39 democratic votes to allow insurance companies to keep
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selling policies that don't meet obama care standards not only to old customers but also to new ones. let's bring in our panel, steve haze of the weekly standard, and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. before we get to the action in the house, the president met with officials from some of the biggest insurance companies today. steve, is his fix really about trying to solve these problems to get these canceled policies restored, or is it more about shifting blame to those insurance companies? >> it's entirely about shifting blame to those insurance companies. one of the things that was most interesting about his comments yesterday is how substance free, how policy free they actually were. and at one point in the course of his statement the president and what has to be considered a gaffe announced that the key point, his words, the key point here is that he not be held responsible but the blame be put on the insurance company. he said it at his own press
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conference. that's what it was about. >> you know, chuck, the insurance companies and the state regulators, you have to feel for them to some degree because they have spent years, more than three years now, trying to build a structure to comply with the new coverage standards mandated by obama care, written into the law and then furthered in regulations from hhs secretary kathleen sebelius. now they're being asked to turn on the dime and to change all of that in about a month. is that possible? >> put it today the same companies that have had three years to compare or comply with the law are now being 30 days to ignore it. and it's a bit of predicament. i think it's going to vary from company to company and state to state. i know people in the white house feel that they should be able to do it. that where there's a will there's a way. and this is -- >> this is a white house that had three years to do the website and failed miserably. >> correct.
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but at the same time there is profit motive for some companies. there will be money on the table that they might be able to recoup because after all some of these people are relatively low health risk, the relatively healthy people and so forth. but given everything that's going on with this logistically so far, it seems it's going to be a mighty big challenge. and there are other little things like this notice you're supposed to put in to the letters now that you send to people getting their policies back explaining to them all their options. well, suppose somebody decides that isn't sufficient notice and he ends up getting a plan he didn't really -- that wasn't really to his advantage. can he sue on that? the general counsels in all these companies you can be sure are looking at that. and all these little nuances now are being done completely on the fly. >> then, and let's turn to it, there was a vote in the house today in fred upton's keep your health care plan act which would allow insurance companies to sell these now canceled policies which don't meet the standards of obama care but to sell them
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not only to old customers, the ones who already had them and had policies canceled, but also to new customers. charles, is this another attempt, the upton bill, another attempt by republicans to gut obama care? and what about the 39 house democrats who went along with it? i've been wrestling with this myself. is the news how many that was or how few? >> well, if you compare it to what would have happened if obama had done that show he did yesterday in which he pretended to want to restore the plans to people who lost them because it is a sham, it was only intended to shift the blame. his intent is for these plans not to be renewed. he knows how impossible it will be. he knows how many of the insurers will refuse to do it. he knows how many of the state commissioners will refuse it. so he knows only a trickle will come back. and the reason he intends that is because if all these people are renewed and they stay out of the exchanges, the exchanges will collapse.
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he needs the young and the healthy to pay the extra stuff. they need them to pay the higher than they would otherwise so that can subsidize the older and the sick. so his intent is that it shouldn't happen. if he hadn't done that, shift the blame without really changing what happens on the ground, who gets his policy or not, there would have been 100 democrats or 120. that would have been a huge embarrassment. it would have been a collapse. and it would have been a complete -- >> that would have been more than half the democrats in the house caucus. >> and that would have happened. that's why he had to do the press conference. because that would have been a rebellion against him and he would lose his second-term president complete control of the party and been a lame duck less than a year into the second term. so i would say the 40s is a substantial number, but the problem is the democrats in the senate, the ones who are really in trouble and who need a bill so they can have a vote on the record that says i voted to
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maintain the plans, if they don't their opponents in the election next year are going to play over and over and over their own statements, the democrat statements, if you like your plan you can keep it and they will all lose. so harry reid has been holding out. the pressure on him is going to get enormous. >> we've got less than a minute left, but i want to get back to the subject that we discussed a bit yesterday and that is the whole constitutional issue what gives the president the right to decide unilaterally on a law passed by congress that he can delay the mandate for expanded coverage by a year. and as our supreme ward, chuck, are you troubled at all by this unilateral action by the president? >> well, the authority they're citing, you know, it's plausible to me which is basically the regulation on the grandfather clause, which is what caused all these people to be kicked off in the first place, was not in the text of the statute but something the administrative process produced. so the president runs that, he can undo it.
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but believe you me that's another lawsuit. somebody somewhere is going to find a way to sue on that. and as i say that adds to the whole risk that these insurance companies are taking on as this goes forward. >> next up, the friday lightning round. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. how do you react when you first see this? it looks kind of like a dancer? reality check: some 4g lte coverage maps don't really look like maps. seems like maybe... a bunch of berries. a witch-like shrew.
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>> you are aware of that correct? >> i'm not. senator, i'm not. >> i don't know whether the prosecutors would feel differently or some other reason i'm not thinking of. but speaking of my perspective, yeah, i don't have an objection to that. >> well, that's interesting.
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new fbi director james coney seeming to directly contradict the main white house argument against letting congress talk to the survivors of the benghazi terror attack. each week we ask you to vote online for your favorite lightning round topic. this week you chose benghazi and we are back now with the panel. well, now, that comment from the fbi director steve comes just as congress is beginning to gain more and more access to the survivors of the attack. is it your sense that we're gabeing a different understanding than the white house now about what happened that night? >> i think in some important respects we are. particularly from the three survivors, cia affiliated survivors who testified yesterday. i think they raised some questions about the time lines but there were also additional questions raised about these nondisclosure agreements which the agency had insisted were not presented to benghazi survivors there was no effort to try to keep them from talking. and we find out that these nondisclosure agreements, which were legally unnecessary, were presented to benghazi survivors at a
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benghazi memorial held at the cia headquarters at langley. now, they didn't mention benghazi specifically, but you tell me what you think the message was intended to send. i think between that and between the news today on the state department, the idea that the rewards for justice rewards were actually authorized but never announced or publicized, which defeats the entire purpose of having the awards in the first place, suggest that the administration is reigle. i have -- reeling. i have no idea why they would make these kinds of mistakes unless there is something they don't want to disclose. >> charles, your response to that and also you heard fbi director saying i have no problem with congress talking to the survivors. >> completely undercuts the administration's story. the administration can't even get its story right in this stonewall. and, if you don't, that doesn't help you a lot. i'm not particularly impressed by the bountiy. the 10 million that was offered. we had cnn and why had the "new york times" speaking with one of the people
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involved in a coffee shop in benghazi just a few months ago. so, instead of a about the in the millions. how about an expense account. send a journalist and we will find those guys? >> all right. issue 2, offensive lineman jonathan martin melt with the lawyer appointed by the nfl. there you see him today in new york city to investigate allegations of bullying on the miami dolphins. of course no, idea what the investigation is going to turn up. but, chuck, let me bring you in. is this a tipping point for attitudes towards bullying from the classroom to the office to the football field? >> it might be. i think, you know, obviously pro-sports, especially a violent one like the nfl, prized toughness. there is hazing. it could be more gentle. it can be more violent. but the stuff that we're being told about really went over the line. we have stuff that you could legitimately call extortion where rookies are being told to cough up five figures to finance the trips to vegas of the
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veteran teammates and if they don't do it they will get, -- who know what is will happen to them it's about time the nfl investigated and didn't turn a blind eye whole attitude about bullying. is it going to go too far or not? i was hearing a story about the minnesota timber wolves and nba joe pa nasa brothers backpack. nba player. and they said no more about. kind of embarrassing for anyone, actually. look, this is the right question. i mean, is it the case that, you know, you have some -- anybody who saw the voice mails, the texts of the voice mails that were left for jonathan martin, certainly those raised some questions. this anti-bullying campaign takes what is a serious issue and serious problem and threatens to minimize it by claiming that severing bullying all of the time. >> all right. we have got about a minute
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and a half left. so 30 seconds each. start with you, steve, winners and losers of the week. >> so my winner is obviously this bad kid in the make-a-wish foundation. what happened in san francisco today was so fantastic to be able to follow n realtime this 5-year-old miles who had leukemia and in remission and back in today with the contributions of the entire city. if that didn't warm your heart, you don't really have much of a heart. the loser i think is probably barack obama. it should be barack obama every time. but i'm saying nancy pelosi because she is defending the white house on the affordable care act when the white house isn't defending the white house. >> chuck? >> my winner is max baucus of april of this year who stood up and said implementation is going to be a train wreck. my loser is max baucus in september in this year who having being given a tongue lashing by the white house said don't worry i think the train is going to keep running. poor max.
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>> more train metaphors. >> charles? >> loser mary landrieu. she is a democratic senator up for louisiana. desperate about the obamacare. she needs a vote where she can say i voted affirmatively in trying to aloud people to keep the plans. she didn't get a vote. she is going to need one badly. the winner, mohammed zariff foreign minister of iran. it looks as if our side is caving on the interim agreement and we are actually going to silently or implicitly grand. it doesn't have a right of enrichment. >> no aspersions on the jonas brothers. that's it for the panel. stay tuned for surprising peek at the way macy's is planning to celebrate thanksgiving. results from our s.r. bingthan pulse. e get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it.
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tonight s.r. bing pulse results everyone disagreed with chuck, sorry chuck, when he suggested that the president might have the
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legal authority to make the administrative change to obamacare. the highest intensity of segment one was when charles said president obama intended for plans not to be renewed. there were 33,000 votes per minute at that point. and all parties supported steve's assertion benghazi survivors have been raising questions about nondisclosure agreements. total votes tonight, 225,000. finally, one of the staples of thanksgiving morning is the macy's day parade in new york city. they like to keep up with the times but this year they may have taken that too far. check it out. >> thanksgiving is right around the corner. and macy's is giving us a sneak peek at some new balloons for this year's parade. mary snoopy and woodstock. sponge bob square pants and richie nawghtd balloon. start 9 a.m. thanksgiving morning. >> too soon, don't you think? >> that's "special report" tonight i'm chris wallace in washington.
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please join me for "fox news sunday." we will discuss obamacare with two top healthcare officials and we will have the first sunday show interview with liz cheney shins she launched her controversial challenge for republican incumbent in wyoming. "on the record" is next. did president obama just make this worse for you? >> the fix that the president offered was a political fix for himself. insurance companies were were writing a very confusing letter to their formerly cancelled policy holders. >> he has made a bigger mess and created more. >> this is something that insurance companies and insurance commissioners will make the ultimate decision on. >> the insurance companies, most of them, can't do it, it's too administratively problematic. >> now it's up to the insurance companies and if they don't deliver, they are the bad guys. >> so is president obama's so-called fix helping anyone or just creating